Outcome Evaluation for Finnish MFA
Working as a lead evaluator for Triple Line Consulting in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan

3lAs Lead Consultant for Triple Line Consulting, Tim Williams travelled to Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan to conduct in-depth interviews and focus groups with major programme partners and grant recipients, stakeholders and institutional beneficiaries, including the advisory board, steering committee and stakeholder councils. The team also held in-depth interviews with partners in Finland. The purpose of the evaluation was to determine how well the programme's activities had produced the anticipated results; identify areas of activity worth continuing in follow-up projects and to review the extent to which the mid-term evaluation's recommendations contributed to the programme's implemenetation. Eurasia Foundation project manager said: "I've learned a lot for future projects from the report". The Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted: "Your final report looked interesting, even impressive. It is very good to get your assessments on the results and outcomes of the project. Development cooperation is a learning process and you seem to have many things to tell us, which is good."ebl